We make Grundig Academy a little greener

GMC-I Service and Gossen Metrawatt strengthen partnership with Grundig Academy and make it a little greener

In May it fi­nal­ly hap­pened and we were able to hand over on be­half of Gossen Me­trawatt GmbH and GMC-I Ser­vice GmbH a SECUTEST ST PRO Com­fort to Man­fred Seeger and the Grundig Acad­e­my re­spec­tive­ly.

Martin Ku­lik did not miss the op­por­tu­ni­ty to per­son­al­ly hand over the new tester on site, in his func­tion as sales man­ag­er for in­dus­try and di­rect cus­tomers of Gossen Me­trawatt. 

When GMC-I Service GmbH be­gan talks with the Grundig Acad­e­my at the end of last year about co­op­er­a­tion, we also met Man­fred Seeger, a for­mer em­ploy­ee and train­ing man­ag­er at Gossen Me­trawatt. The joy of the re­union was great, but what took our breath away for a mo­ment was the fact that he had pre­vi­ous­ly been a speak­er with a yel­low com­peti­tor's in­stru­ment. "We should def­i­nite­ly adapt the col­or of the mea­sur­ing de­vice": said Ger­hard Frisch. A few phone calls and e-mails lat­er, it was clear that Man­fred Seeger would be able to use a GOSSEN METRAWATT in­stru­ment as a train­ing in­struc­tor in the fu­ture. And not only that, a "Life­time Ser­vice" from GMC-I Ser­vice GmbH for cal­i­bra­tions, re­pairs and up­dates of the tester per­fect­ly rounds off the green pack­age.

Hap­py and full of an­tic­i­pa­tion, Man­fred Seeger says: "I am par­tic­u­lar­ly in­ter­est­ed in the IZYTRONIQ soft­ware and the ProSECUBILD ap­pli­ca­tion." Where­upon Martin Ku­lik men­tions the in­struc­tor area of myGMC and adds: "Of course we will have this ac­ti­vat­ed for the Grundig Acad­e­my."

Matthias Lutz, con­sul­tant for ad­vanced train­ing at the Grundig Acad­e­my, rounds off with the words: "It's great to main­tain such part­ner­ships in the re­gion. On be­half of the Grundig Acad­e­my, I would like to ex­press my sin­cere thanks for the spon­sor­ship and sup­port."

How­ev­er, Man­fred Seeger still has one last wish: "I my­self will prob­a­bly now also need user train­ing for the new de­vice and the mul­ti­tude of func­tions and pos­si­ble ap­pli­ca­tions." Ger­hard Frisch and Martin Ku­lik agree that this will also be ini­ti­at­ed as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Matthias Lutz will also take part in the train­ing to fa­mil­iar­ize him­self with the de­vice and delve deep­er into the sub­ject mat­ter.

We would like to thank everyone involved and are very happy about this further step of successful cooperation! Stay tuned, because more projects and topics will follow.
f.l.t.r: Matthias Lutz (Consultant Continuing Education at Grundig), Martin Kulik (Sales Manager for Industry and Direct Customers at Gossen Metrawatt GmbH), Gerhard Frisch (Service Manager GMC-I Service GmbH) and Manfred Seeger (Lecturer for Grundig).


GMC-I Service GmbH
Beuthener Straße 41
D-90471 Nürnberg

Tel.: +49 911 817718-0
Fax: +49 911 817718-253

Mo-Th    8:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Fr           8:00 - 13:00 Uhr


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