"Thinking about tomorrow's technicians today!"

On 11/14/22, a first meet­ing took place with Rolf Schuller, de­part­ment head for elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer­ing & in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy.

As we all know, every­thing starts with an idea! In this case, a tip from a co-work­er moved us to con­tact the Ru­dolf Diesel Tech­niker­schule. For quite some time we have been deal­ing with the ques­tion which ways we can ex­pand in the fu­ture in or­der to meet the chal­leng­ing job mar­ket. Estab­lish­ing con­tacts, ex­chang­ing ideas and ex­pe­ri­ences seemed to us to be one of many steps in the di­rec­tion of se­cur­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of em­ploy­ees. Not only em­ploy­ers in a wide range of sec­tors are strug­gling to re­cruit qual­i­fied spe­cial­ists, but schools and train­ing cen­ters are also fac­ing a drop in the num­ber of ap­pli­cants. *So why not join forces and get down to busi­ness to­geth­er?


From left: Mr. Richter (calibration laboratory), Mrs. Haas (calibration laboratory), Mr. Frisch (Head of Services), Mr. Schuller (Head of the electrical engineering department at the RDF), Mrs. Peter (personnel officer).


Mr. Schuller of the RDF was im­me­di­ate­ly con­vinced of the need to get to know each oth­er, be­cause he also sees the need for net­work­ing and ex­change of ex­pe­ri­ences. We start­ed with a guid­ed tour of the com­pa­ny and then moved on to* ex­chang­ing ideas and brain­storm­ing.* Mr. Schuller is re­spon­si­ble for 2 de­part­ments and a to­tal of 7 class­es. The class­es are di­vid­ed into 5 elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer­ing class­es (day and evening class­es) as well as 2 com­put­er sci­ence class­es with ap­prox. 21 prospec­tive tech­ni­cians each.

Since he has been pas­sion­ate about his job for many years, he thus brought a lot of valu­able ex­pe­ri­ence in deal­ing with in­quis­i­tive and learn­ing peo­ple to our ser­vice. What ex­pec­ta­tions do prospec­tive tech­ni­cians ac­tu­al­ly have of a ca­reer? What prospects do they want for their ca­reers?* What prac­ti­cal in­sights* into com­pa­nies could be ex­cit­ing for them dur­ing their fur­ther train­ing? How could a co­op­er­a­tion look like that has per­spec­tives - for learn­ers and com­pa­nies? Th­ese were the ques­tions we ad­dressed in the meet­ing to brain­storm about pos­si­ble so­lu­tions and fu­ture projects in the area of "se­cur­ing young tal­ent".


What could be the ben­e­fits of co­op­er­a­tion?

  • En­able an ap­pren­tice­ship or a job with per­spec­tive
  • Pro­mote and ac­com­pa­ny the next gen­er­a­tion of tech­ni­cians through ex­cit­ing project work in the com­pa­ny
  • To be present as an at­trac­tive em­ploy­er from the re­gion as ear­ly as pos­si­ble with the "1st graders" of the school
  • Estab­lish a cross-com­pa­ny net­work with our sis­ter com­pa­nies and en­able prac­ti­cal as­sign­ments across com­pa­nies (sim­i­lar to our com­bined stu­dent in­tern­ship)
  • Ex­plor­ing new ways of ap­proach­ing po­ten­tial ap­pli­cants and trained spe­cial­ists (work­shops in schools or at the com­pa­ny, vis­its to trade fairs, etc.)
  • Coun­ter­act­ing the short­age of skilled work­ers through per­son­nel mar­ket­ing.


What could con­crete next steps look like?

  • Of­fer prac­ti­cal and taster days as well as plant tours
  • Im­ple­ment project work in co­op­er­a­tion with the com­pa­ny - great prac­ti­cal rel­e­vance, gen­er­ate sus­tain­able knowl­edge
  • Dis­cuss long-term em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties with a per­spec­tive
  • Op­tion­al­ly pro­mote teach­ing through lec­tures, prac­ti­cal ex­am­ples, equip­ment hands-on as well as loan of mea­sur­ing and test­ing equip­ment for prac­ti­cal ex­er­cis­es in the class­room


What's next?

  • Change of per­spec­tive: vis­it to tech­ni­cal school 
  • Clar­i­fy pos­si­bil­i­ties for in­tern­ships in 2023, hands-on days of "1st graders"
  • Tech­ni­cal lec­ture and equip­ment demo at school 
  • Par­tic­i­pa­tion in school's an­nu­al tech fair in March 2023
  • Devel­op po­ten­tial, ex­cit­ing project top­icsWe are very ex­cit­ed about this new, re­gion­al con­nec­tion and look for­ward to see­ing what ex­cit­ing projects and top­ics the fu­ture holds.

We are very ex­cit­ed about this new, re­gion­al con­nec­tion and look for­ward to see­ing what ex­cit­ing projects and top­ics the fu­ture holds.


More info on the tech­ni­cal school is avail­able HERE


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